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中英文篇名/Title | COVID–19 疫情下的家庭氣氛: 家長的情緒調節、焦慮與調適,以及兒童情緒經驗的關聯性 Home Atmosphere during the COVID–19 Pandemic: Associations among Parents’ Emotional Regulation, Anxiety and Adjustment, and Children’s Emotional Experiences |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 47-90 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究關注 COVID–19 疫情下兒童的情緒經驗,並援引生態系統 理論的觀點探討家長情緒調節、焦慮反應與調適表現對兒童負面與正 面情緒的影響。經以 878 筆線上疫情生活調查的家長—兒童資料進行 結構方程模型分析,結果指出:⑴家長的焦慮反應與兒童較多的負面情緒有關;⑵家長的調適表現與兒童較多的正面情緒、較少的負面情 緒有關;⑶家長採取反芻的情緒調節策略,會透過加劇自身焦慮反 應、降低自身調適表現,進而增加兒童的負面情緒並減少兒童的正面 情緒;⑷家長採取轉移注意力的情緒調節策略,會透過提升自身調適 表現,進而減少兒童的負面情緒並增加兒童的正面情緒;⑸家長採取 重新評估的情緒調節策略,能緩減自身的焦慮反應,且可透過提升自 身調適表現,進而減少兒童的負面情緒並增加兒童的正面情緒;⑹家 長採取壓抑的情緒調節策略,會加劇自身的焦慮反應;⑺家長採取與 人分享的情緒調節策略,會透過加劇自身焦慮反應,進而增加兒童的 負面情緒。 To understand children’s emotional experiences during the COVID– 19 pandemic, this study adopted the viewpoint of ecological systems theory and investigated the effects of parents’ emotional regulation, anxiety, and adjustment on children’s negative and positive emotions. Data for a total of 878 parent-child pairs were collected from an online survey. Structural equation modeling analysis was conducted with acceptable model fit (SBχ2=156.70, df=101, p<.001, CFI=0.98, TLI=0.96, RMSEA=0.025, 90% CI of RMSEA=[0.017, 0.032], SRMR=0.019). For children’s negative emotions, the effect of parents’ anxiety about the pandemic was positively significant (β= 0.26, p<.001), while the effect of parents’ adjustment to the pandemic was negatively significant (β=−0.20, p<.001). For children’s positive emotions, the effect of parents’ adjustment was positively significant (β=0.29, p<.001), while the effect of parents’ anxiety was non-significant. Parents’ rumination on pandemic-induced emotions was positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.45, p<.001). The mediating effect of parents’ anxiety was only significant for the path from parents’ rumination to children’s negative emotion (estimate=0.12, S.E.=0.03, Sobel’s Z=3.90, p<.001, 95% CI=[0.06, 0.19]) but non-significant for the path to children’s positive emotion. Parents’ rumination was negatively related to their adjustment (γ=−0.13, p=.003). The mediating effect of parents’ adjustment was significant for the path from parents’ rumination to children’s negative emotions (estimate=0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=2.25, p=.03, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.06]) and positive ones (estimate=−0.04, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=−2.51, p=.01, 95% CI= [−0.08, −0.01]). Parents’ distraction from pandemic-induced emotions was only positively related to their adjustment (γ=0.14, p<.001). The mediating effect of parents’ adjustment was significant for the path from parents’ distraction to children’s negative emotions (estimate=−0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=−2.56, p=.01, 95% CI=[−0.06, −0.01]) and positive ones (estimate=0.04, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=2.82, p=.005, 95% CI=[0.02, 0.08]). Parents’ reappraisal was negatively related to their anxiety (γ =−0.09, p =.03). However, the mediating effect of parents’ anxiety was non-significant for the path from parents’ reap-praisal to children’s negative and positive emotions. Parents’ reappraisal of pandemic-induced emotions was positively related to their adjustment (γ=0.15, p=.001). The mediating effect of parents’ adjustment was significant for the path from parents’ reappraisal to children’s negative emotions (estimate=−0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=−2.37, p=.02, 95% CI=[−0.07, −0.01]) and positive ones (estimate=0.04, S.E.=0.02, Sobel’s Z=2.57, p=.01, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.09]). Parents’ suppression was positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.08, p=.03). However, the mediating effect of parents’ anxiety was non-significant for the path from parents’ suppression of pandemic-induced emotions to children’s negative and positive emotions. Parents’ social sharing was only positively related to their anxiety (γ=0.10, p=.002). The mediating effect of parents’ anxiety was significant for the path from parents’ social sharing to children’s negative emotions (estimate= 0.03, S.E.=0.01, Sobel’s Z=2.49, p=.01, 95% CI=[0.01, 0.06]) but non-significant for the path to children’s positive emotions. These findings might be of importance in providing professional consultants and family life educators a better understanding of how children’s emotional experiences in stressful environments are affected by their parents’ emotional regulation, anxiety, and adjustment. |
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