發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 臺灣醫療服務產業相關資料庫的比較分析 A Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Industry Databanks in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 113-132 |
摘要/Abstract | 硏究資訊的流通有助於硏究產能的提昇,而實證資料的特性,包括可近性與使用難易程度及可取得性,往往造成硏究者的進入障礙。有鑑於國內缺乏醫療服務產業資料庫的系統化介紹及分析,本文針對國內醫療服務產業相關的三項資料庫,國家衛生硏究院全民健康保險硏究資料庫,主計處家庭收支調査資料,及衛生署全國醫療院所現況及醫院服務量資料庫,分別就其資料特性及內容變項進行比較分析。本文期能促進醫療服務產業之資訊流通,以吸引更多硏究者投入醫療服務產業領域之硏究。 Information exchange is crucial to research advancement. Data availability and accessibility often constitutes a major entry barrier for researchers who are Interested in health-related issues. This paper aims to offer a comparative analysis of three databanks in Taiwan, the NHRI National Health Insurance Database, the DGBAS household survey of family income and expenditures, and the DOH survey on facilities and service volumes of medical institutions. A comparative analysis is performed on these databanks with an emphasis on their unique characteristics to advance the audience's understanding of the nature of the databanks, including data inconsistency. It is hoped that this paper can contribute to the circulation of information and entice more research endeavors into the field of healthcare industry. |
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