發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 台北市外籍與在地企業之區位聚集的比較研究 A Comparative Study of the Spatial Agglomeration of Foreign and Domestic Leading Firms Operating in Taipei |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 7-37 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究旨在探討外籍與在地企業在台北市空間聚集模式的異同及其影響因素。分析鄧白氏公司(Dun & Bradstreet International Inc.)所蒐集發行的2001年《台灣商業名錄》與《在台外資企業名錄》資料發現,外藉與在地企業都有空間聚集的現象,但前者的聚集程度較為明顯,兩者的區位分布型態也不盡相同。 整體而言,台北市是企業的最大聚集地。雖然進駐於台北市的企業多聚集在中山、松山、與大安三區,但在地大企業傾向於分布在發展較早的台北市偏西地段,而外藉企業則偏向於聚集在新興開發的東區地段。至於企業聚集的影響變數,則無論在地與外藉企業都與優質的外在社區環境因素有關,A、B級辦公室聚集度愈高的網路,企業聚集度愈高。此外,知名外藉企業對於一般外藉企業所發揮的「標竿效應」大於其對於在地企業的影響力,而知名在地企業所發揮的「標竿效應」也多只及於一般在地企業。 This research aims to investigate the spatial distribution and agglomeration determinants of foreign and domestic leading firms in Taipei City. Analyzing data gathered by D&B International Inc, we found that both types of businesses are spatially clustered in Taiwan, but with different patterns, and that foreign firms are more geographically aggregated than domestic leading firms. Both foreign and domestic leading firms are clustered in Taipei City, with about 73% and 60% of the foreign and domestic leading firms located in Jungshan, Sungshan and Daan districts of Taipei City. However, domestic leading firms tend to be situated in the older districts of the city, while the foreign firms are more likely to be located in newly developed districts . Data also shows that both foreign and domestic firms tend to be clustered in places where high quality office space is located. In addition, less well-known foreign firms tend to cluster around well-known foreign firms, and the less well-known domestic leading firms tend to cluster around well-known domestic leading firms. |
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