發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 宜大商圈公義組織轉型之再檢視:以平價型消費態度調查為例 Reexamining the Transformation of I-Lan University's Retail Sales Area into Fair-Organization: A Survey on Consumer Attitudes toward Essential Goods |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 113-156 |
摘要/Abstract | 近年來互信不足的食安衝突事件頻傳,讓跨區消費者除了慎選旅遊景點外,更重視健康合宜的購物氛圍。2006 年國道5 號蔣渭水高速公路通車以來,北宜間旅遊型人流之互動更為頻繁,每逢假日塞爆雪隧的車輛,其中主要的人流結構,為由北部都會區之生活緊張科技人,趁假期攜家帶眷赴宜蘭尋覓田園樂趣的人文價值觀。本文將人倫關係之優雅管理智慧,以系統化指標做建置,並運用古今混合之方法取向,做宏觀面向之組織設計。經由宜蘭大學周遭的神農商圈所進行之便利性抽樣調查,與藉由以二元設計之邏輯迴歸及其量化處理之後發現,受到不同「偽善」程度迷惑的消費者,存在明顯不同的人文管理面思維見解,此一新發現可提供給依附於大學之平價型生活商圈,於未來以「去偽存真」做健康營運,或應用「心微笑」做創新聚合等在地商圈之規劃參酌。 Due to recent food safety scandals, consumers have become more sophisticated about purchases of convenience. The cross-region tourism has been booming since the Shea-San tunnel opened on National Highway 5. There is a dilemma for the rural retailers in the I-Lan university area in terms of choosing either to base their business upon self-interested or altruistic attitudes, because the tourism industry is prospering. This study aims to survey the area's arriving purchasers regarding their consumption behavior after being confronted by a sequence of food safety problems. A convenience sample and qualitative choice estimation are adopted to evaluate behavioral reactions in the face of such unfair market conditions. The empirical results of this study demonstrate how to promote the internal transformation of such local zones into ones offering healthy, friendly products amid the distrustful atmosphere. |
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