發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 教育程度的再思考:大學生政治知識與態度的定群追蹤調查 Reconsidering the Measure of Educational Attainment: A Panel Study of Undergraduates' Political Knowledge and Attitudes |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 45-88 |
摘要/Abstract | 由於高等教育的擴張,具有大學學歷的民眾所占比例日漸攀升。傳統的調查多以強調高低多寡的教育「程度」來測量受訪者的教育背景,而忽略了同等教育程度者當中的異質性。本文聚焦於「一般大學與技職大學」以及「公立大學與私立大學」這兩個學校屬性變項,以定群追蹤資料檢視就讀不同屬性大學學生的政治知識與態度是否有所差異。分析發現:相較於私立大學與技職大學學生,公立大學與一般大學的新生有較高程度的政治知識,也對社會運動有較為正面的態度。在大學教育過程中,就讀不同屬性學校學生之間的政治知識與態度間的顯著差異不僅持續維持,甚至有擴大的傾向。因此,因應高等教育擴張導致的影響,調查工作者應該針對受訪者教育背景的測量進行調整。我們建議針對完成高等教育之受訪者,於問卷中進一步追問他們所就讀大學的屬性,蒐集較為完整的資料。 The proportion of people with higher education degrees has substantially increased in the last few decades due to the rapid expansion of higher education in Taiwan. It is common in survey research to measure individuals' educational attainment in terms of the "level" of education they have attained, which ignores the possible heterogeneity among those who share the same level of educational attainment. Two factors are adopted to divide subgroups among undergraduate students: the first factor is whether the undergraduates surveyed are attending a public school or a private one; the second factor is whether the higher education institution the respondent is attending is a university or a vocational college. This paper thus aims to examine the political knowledge and attitudes possessed by a cohort of undergraduate students from a horizontal perspective to see whether there exists substantial deviation among the subgroups (public/private and university/vocational college). The analysis of panel data indicates that first-year undergraduate students from different types of schools indeed possess unequal levels of political knowledge and attitudes. The gap not only remains significant during the period of attaining higher education, but becomes wider when it is assessed shortly before graduation. It is therefore recommended that survey research should revise the measurement of educational attainment as a response to the expansion of higher education. For respondents holding higher education degrees, we recommend adding questions in surveys to collect data on the type of university or college the respondents graduated from to gather more complete data, and this information should be useful for future studies on similar topics. |
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