發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | SARS疫情對國人旅遊行為之影響以及疫苗研發之經濟價值 The Impacts of SARS on Domestic Tourism Demand and the Value of Medical Inventions in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 5-35 |
摘要/Abstract | 2003年2月底我國發生嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)的首位病例之後,3~6月間外國人來台與國人出國旅遊人次均減少約50%,隨著疫情的發展,國內產業受到的衝擊逐漸浮現,如般空、觀光、餐旅等部門相繼受到重創,國人國內旅遊總人數也降低15.31%之多。本研究針對國人在國內旅遊行為之改變,建立傳染疾病對國人國內旅遊需求之模型,用調查問卷方式蒐集資料,進行實證分析,並以SARS防治技術之研發為例,估計其對國人所產生之經濟效益。問卷調查結果顯示, SARS的確對國人從事國內旅遊會產生負面之影響,從每位旅客旅遊之平均值來看,因SARS醫療技術與疫苗研發所產生的經濟效益大約是130元。如以全國平均每年國內旅遊總人次1億人次來計算,研發SARS防治技術在刺激國內旅遊活動上所產生的之經濟效益大約將近130億元。 The spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) since February has exerted profound impact on the business situation of various sectors in Taiwan. This study employs the travel cost model to estimate how domestic tourism is affected by the outbreak of SARS. Our empirical results verify that the negative impact of SARS on people willingness to travel is very significant. Therefore, the travel and tourism sectors must be prepared to deal with the health travel alerts and put in place plans to recover and rebuild their business. The medical invention of SARS treatment or vaccine appears to have positive and significant effects on the decision to resume the trip. The potential benefit from improved medical technologies and vaccines on domestic tourism is expected to be as high as NT$13 billions. |
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