發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 台灣農民對農業休耕補貼政策及農地出租之參與意願及接受金額分析 Analysis of Farmers' Acceptance of the Fallow Land Subsidy Policy and Farmland Lease Program in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 53-86 |
摘要/Abstract | 台灣農政單位近年來採行如稻穀保價收購、休耕補貼、轉作補貼、契作獎勵、老農津貼、產銷輔導、農地銀行、小地主大佃農、休耕地活化等農業補貼措施及結構調整政策,並推動漂鳥及園丁計畫、農民學院與農場見習等措施,其目的期能提高農業生產規模及使農業勞動力年輕化等,以提高農民所得為目的。由於農民對政策的參與意願是政府施政成效的重要指標之一,然過去相關研究相對較少,亦缺乏農民對農業政策參與意願及滿意度之評量。有鑑於此,本研究以面對面的問卷調查方式,分析農民參與相關農業補貼措施之意向與滿意度,並針對參與及符合休耕條件但未參與休耕地補貼政策之農民分析影響其參與意願的顯著因子,以及農民對農地出租意願及願意接受最低租金。 實證結果顯示,整體而言受訪農民對現行農業補貼措施感到滿意,尤其對小地主大佃農及老農津貼滿意度最高,稻穀保價收購措施的滿意度則為最低。另外,北部、中部及南部相對於東部、農場主65歲以上、家庭收入低的農民,其相對參加休耕補貼的機率比較高;而農場主教育程度為大學程度及以上及農業收入占家庭收入較高的農民,其相對參與休耕補貼的意願則較低。就農地出租政策而言,中部及南部、農場主為男性、耕種總面積4公頃以上,且已接受較多的政府補貼的農民,其出租農地的意願比較高;而農場主71歲以上、耕種總面積在1公頃以下且有繼承者,其農地出租之意願則較低,平均而言每期每公頃農民願意接受最低租金估計約為30,598元。 In recent years, Taiwan's agricultural authorities have adopted numerous agricultural policies to adjust the production scale, rejuvenate the labor force and increase farmers' income, such as guaranteed-price purchasing of rice, a fallow land subsidy, land diversion program, contract farming award, elderly farmer pension, assistance for production and distribution, farmland bank (farmland lease), small-landowners big-tenants program, fallow land reactivation program, wandervogel and gardeners plan, farmers' school etc. However, the effectiveness of agricultural policies and farmers' satisfaction with them have rarely been discussed in the literature. This study attempts to use a face to face questionnaire survey to measure the effectiveness of the agricultural policies from the viewpoints of farmers' willingness to participate and their satisfaction. Special attention is paid both to finding significant factors that affect the farmers' willingness to participate in the fallow land subsidy policy and to measuring farmers' willingness to accept the farmland lease program. The empirical results show that, on average, farmers are satisfied with the agricultural subsidies program. The small-landowners big-tenants program has the highest satisfaction score, and the guaranteed-price purchasing program for rice has the lowest satisfaction score. In addition, farmers who live in northern, central and southern Taiwan, are over 65 years old, and have low family income have higher probability of participation in the set-aside subsidy program. Those farmers with a university degree or above, or higher agriculture/household income ratio have lower willingness to participate in the fallow land subsidies program. On the assessment of farmland lease policy, farmers living in central or southern Taiwan, males, those with total cultivated area of more than 4 hectares, or who received more government subsidies, are more willing to lease farmland; farmers over 71 years old, who farm total area of 1 hectare or less, or who have inherited their farmland are less willing to lease farmland. On average, farmers are willing to accept a minimum rental fee of about NT$ 30,598 each period per hectare. |
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