發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 由旅遊決策模式探討影響遊客旅遊忠誠度及遊憩效益之因素——以宜蘭縣農業旅遊為例 Survey on the Factors Influencing Visitors' Loyalty and Recreation Benefits with Travel Decision Model —An example of Agri-tourism in Yilan County |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 135-180 |
摘要/Abstract | 為了滿足消費者的需求和提高企業的經營效率,必須要瞭解消費者決策模式。然而過去在旅遊產業上,往往只看到消費者所做的決策結果,由消費者的決策結果進行分析,忽略了影響消費者決策的因素。故本研究嘗試將消費者決策 EBM(Engel et al., 2000)模式應用到旅遊產業,並結合忠誠度的概念,建構出遊客訊息來源、場所經營項目、行為忠誠度與態度忠誠度等四階段的旅遊決策模式,並瞭解在旅遊需求函數中納入遊客訊息來源、場所經營項目的影響效果。根據旅遊成本法(Travel Cost Method)的推導,旅遊次數(行為忠誠度)與遊憩效益有正向的函數關係,根據歐洲顧客滿意度指數(ECSI, European Customer Satisfaction Index),知覺價值(遊憩效益)會影響態度忠誠度,故本研究認為行為忠誠度會透過遊憩效益影響態度忠誠度。進一步由行為忠誠度、遊憩效益、態度忠誠度與其影響因素建構出完整的路徑關係圖,並觀察各個路徑的影響效果。 本研究結果顯示,旅遊需求函數中納入遊客訊息來源、場所經營項目能有效的增加模型的解釋能力,而納入場所經營項目則對遊憩效益有顯著的影響。在營業項目包含餐飲的場所,或是以自己經驗為主要的訊息來源,對遊客之行為忠誠度有正向的影響效果;將各個影響因素對態度忠誠度的正向影響效果由大至小排列,依序為遊客滿意度、遊客在體驗的支出、遊憩效益、遊客在餐飲的支出、遊客在住宿的支出、遊客在伴手禮的支出,而遊客在交通與交通時間的機會成本對態度忠誠度則為負向的影響效果。 In order to satisfy the demand of consumers and to improve operational efficiency, we have to know how consumers make their decisions. In the tourism industry, however, only the result of consumers' decision-making is observable. The factors that influence the consumers' decisions are ignored. Therefore, this study attempts to apply the EBM (Engel et al., 2000) model to the tourism industry. We combine the concept of loyalty with EBM to build a four-phase model of travel decision-making, which includes message resources, business items of the site, behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty. We also try to analyze the effect of adopting message resources and business items of the site in the travel demand function. Based on the travel cost method, frequency of visits (behavioral loyalty) positively affects recreation benefits. ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) points out that consciousness benefits (recreation benefits) influence attitudinal loyalty. Thus, we conclude that behavioral loyalty influences attitudinal loyalty through recreation benefits. Furthermore, we build the entire path diagrams incorporating behavioral loyalty, recreation benefits, attitudinal loyalty and its influencing factors and observe the influence effect of every path. The results indicate that the model explanatory power is significantly increased by taking message resources and business items of the agri-tourism sites into consideration for the travel demand function. Among the items of business studied, "catering" shows a positive effect on behavioral loyalty. Among message resources, "self experience" shows a positive effect on behavior loyalty. The explainable variables of tourists that positively affect attitude loyalty from the largest to the least are satisfaction, recreation benefit, experiencing activity cost, catering cost, accommodation cost, and souvenir cost. The traffic cost and the opportunity cost of traffic time show a negative effect on attitude loyalty. |
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