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中英文篇名/Title | 在準實驗研究中推進交叉延宕結構方程模型分析以檢視生涯介入之有效性 Progressing Cross-Lagged Structural Equation Modeling Analysis in a Quasi-Experimental Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Career Intervention |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1-31 |
摘要/Abstract | 延伸自目前採用於檢驗前後測差異時常見的研究設計,本研究旨在討論如何有效運用交叉延宕結構方程模型分析以探討生涯介入之有效性。透過回顧性檢視,並釐清在準實驗研究(Yang et al., 2024)採用變項之理論基礎,本研究將自我決定理論與既有生涯文獻結合,藉此建立理論框架來探究和這些研究變項有關的因果關係。根據該研究的前測後測數據進行分析,交叉延宕結構方程模型分析結果指出前測變項在預測後測這些變項時達到顯著性;此外,研究結果僅部分支持本研究提出之自我決定理論及假設,建議在採用準實驗研究設計時宜增加測量頻率,並在未來研究設計中至少應有三個評估時間點。由於本研究在分析時難以進行明確的因果推論,因此,強調在未來的準實驗研究設計中必須納入控制組。這些研究發現,對於未來進一步推進生涯介入研究領域之進展以及討論如何評估其有效性,具有重要意涵。 Expanding on the frequent use of a pretest-posttest design to examine differences, this study aimed to explore the effective use of cross-lagged structural equation modeling using pretest-posttest designs to examine the effectiveness of career intervention. By retrospectively clarifying the rationale underlying the variables of a quasi-experimental study (Yang et al., 2024), this study integrates self-determination theory (SDT) into the career literature, establishing a more robust theoretical framework for exploring causality. Analysis of pretest-posttest data indicated that cross-lagged structural equation modeling revealed a significance of pretest variables in predicting them at the posttest. While partially supporting the hypothesized SDT rationale, this study recommends an increased measurement frequency, suggesting at least three assessment points for future studies. Owing to the difficulty in making causal inferences, it is necessary to include a control group(s) in the design of a quasi-experimental study. These findings have implications for advancing career interventions and evaluating their effectiveness. |
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