
亞太區域研究專題中心 CAPAS─ 「2019 SSRC Workshop: Academic Writing for International Publication」

  • 日期 : 2019/02/19
2019 SSRC Workshop: Academic Writing for International Publication

時 間:2019年2月19-21日(週二-四)(註:僅第一天上午開放一般報名
Time: Tuesday-Thursday, February 19-21, 2019 (Note: Only the morning section of the first day is open.)

地 點:中央研究院民族所第三會議室(2319室)
Venue: R 2319, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica

Co-organizers: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS) of RCHSS and Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 

聯絡人:江咨靜小姐 (Ms. Ginger Chiang)
電話 TEL:(02) 2651-6862 

The workshop will be held in English.

線上報名網址(Online Registration):https://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/conf/20190219/  (已截止報名,錄取名單如見下列附件)

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, February 12, 2019. 

[注意事項 Note]

  1. 送出報名表單並不代表成功錄取,主辦單位保有審查報名資格及更改議程之權利。會前三天請至網站查詢報名通過名單,主辦單位將不另行通知,會議當天亦不接受現場報名,謝謝!(The organizer reserves the right to amend the program and to limit or refuse entry to any person at any times. The registration will be confirmed and announced on the website three days prior to the event, and there will be no onsite registration available.)
  2. 為響應紙杯減量,敬請自備水瓶或杯子。 (To prevent waste from disposal of single-use cups, kindly bring your own water bottles or mugs.)

This information will also be posted in Academia Sinica Newsletter.