林峰田 博士 / 成大研究發展基金會特聘研究員、成功大學規劃與設計學院院長/特聘教授、臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所教授/所長、臺灣都市計劃學會理事長、臺灣地理資訊學會理事長、中華民國區域科學學會理監事 空間經濟學的科學哲學思考 2025/02/21 14:00
Sunwoo Hwang / Assistant Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School Time to innovate 2025/02/07 14:00
林則君 / Area Head of Finance, HKU Business School, University of Hong Kong The Echoes of Muted Political Speech in Financial Speech 2025/01/13 14:00
簡資修 / 中研院法律學研究所兼任研究員 Economic Analysis of Tort Liability: A Coasean Right-Delimitating Approach 2025/01/10 14:00
Joosung Lee / Associate Professor, College of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University Matroid Search Problems and Greedy Pandora's Rule 2024/11/15 14:00