
Daniel Aaronson\, Lisa Barrow\, and William Sander (2007)\, “Teache rs and Student Achievement in the Chicago Public High Schools\,” Journal of Labor Economics\, vol. 25\, no. 1/陳宗梧、游秉睿 ( 政治大學 )

  • 日期 : 2010/05/28
勞動人口及健康系列演講/\n主講人:陳宗梧、游秉睿 ( 國立政治大學財政學系研究所 )/\n講題:Daniel Aaronso n\, Lisa Barrow\, and William Sander (2007)\, “Teachers and Student Achieve ment in the Chicago Public High Schools\,” Journal of Labor Economics\, vol . 25\, no. 1/\n主辦單位:中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心制度與行