- Chia-Wen Chen, Wei-Min Hu, and Christopher Knittel, “Subsidizing Fuel-Efficient Cars: Evidence from China's Automobile Industry,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 113(4), 152-184.
- Horn-In Kuo*, Fu-Chuan Lai, K.L. Glen Ueng, accepted, “Privatization Neutrality with Quality and Subsidies”, Japanese Economic Review.
- Wen-Chung Guo, and Fu-Chuan Lai*, accepted, “Spatial Cournot Competition in Two Intersecting Circular Markets”, The Annals of Regional Science.
- Kong-Pin Chen, Hung-Pin Lai and Ya-Ting Yu (forthcoming), “The Seller’s Listing Strategy in Online Auctions: Evidence from eBay” International Journal of Industrial Organization.
- Yuan-Chang Cheng, Fu-Chuan Lai*, 2018, “Spatial Competition in a Circular Market with Delivery Direction Choice”, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (Portuguese Review of Regional Studies), 49, 7-21.
- Wen-Chung Guo*, Fu-Chuan Lai and Wing Suen, 2018, “Downs Meets d'Aspremont and Company: Convergence versus Differentiation in Politics and the Media”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 60, 96-125.
- Kong-Pin Chen, Szu-Hsien Ho, Chi-Hsiang Liu, Chien-Ming Wang, 2017, “The Optimal Listing Strategies in Online Auctions”, International Economic Review, 58(2), 421-437.
- 黃國昌、林常青、陳恭平 ,2017,〈台灣人民對法院的信任支持及觀感:以對法官判決之公正性及對法院表現的滿意度為中心〉,《臺灣政治學刊》,21(1), 51-112。
- Chia-Hung Sun*, Jyh-Fa Tsai, Fu-Chuan Lai, 2017, “Spatial Cournot Competition in a Circular City with More Than Two Dispatches”, Japanese Economic Review, 68(4), 413-442.
- Wen-Chung Guo* and Fu-Chuan Lai, 2017, “Prices, Locations, and Welfare when an Online Retailer Competes with Heterogeneous Brick-and-Mortar Retailers”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 65(2), 439-468.
- 賴孚權、陳欽賢、洪福聲、謝智源,2017,《經濟學》,共416頁,臺北:翰蘆圖書出版公司。
- Chun-Lei Yang, Mao-Long Xu, Juanjuan Meng, Fang-Fang Tang, 2017, “Efficient Large-Size Coordination via Voluntary Group Formation: An Experiment”, International Economic Review, 58(2), 651-668.
- Chun-Lei Yang, Lan Yao, 2017, “Testing Ambiguity Theories with a Mean-Preserving Design”, Quantitative Economics, 8(1), 219-238.
- 張永健、陳恭平、劉育昇,2016,〈無權占有他人土地與相當於租金之不當得利─實證研究與政策建議〉,《政大法學評論》,144。
- 林常青、黃國昌、陳恭平、游雅婷 ,2016,〈2011 年台灣人民法律紛爭面訪:設計及基本統計〉,《調查研究》,第36期,頁87-123。
- Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai* and Chia-Ming Yu, 2016, “Where to Locate in a Circular City with a Foreign Market?”, Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 28(3), 441-466.
- 胡偉民、陳嘉雯、羅光達,2016,〈結合決定事後影響評估之研究-以事件研究法為例〉,《公平交易季刊》,第24卷第4期,頁1-30。(TSSCI)
- Chia-Wen Chen, Shiou Shieh, 2016, “Does Exclusive Dealing Matter? Evidence from Distribution Contract Changes in the U.S. Beer Industry”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 64(3), 411-435. (SSCI)
- 陳嘉雯、林茂廷,2016,〈產品特定市場界定以及價格上漲壓力測試:以好樂迪與錢櫃結合案為例〉,《經濟研究》,第52卷第1期,頁39-72。(TSSCI)
- Kong-Pin Chen, Kuo-Chang Huang and Chang-Ching Lin, 2015, “Party Capability versus Court Preference: Why do the “Haves” Come Out Ahead?- An Empirical Lesson from the Taiwan Supreme Court”, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 31(1), 93-126.