
【東亞與世界思想座談】Digital Nationalism and Sino-Japanese Relations: Selling Sovereignty in Digital China

  【東亞與世界思想座談】Digital Nationalism and Sino-Japanese Relations: Selling Sovereignty in Digital China

主講人 | Florian Schneider (Director of the Leiden Asia Centre)

主持人 | 曾國祥(中研院人社中心研究員)

與談人 | 陳至潔(中山大學政治學研究所副教授)

與談人 | 倪世傑(中研院人社中心博士後研究)

日期:5月2日(星期四)14:30- 17:30






Florian Schneider, PhD, Sheffield University, is Senior University Lecturer in the Politics of Modern China at Leiden University. He is managing editor of the academic journal Asiascape: Digital Asia, director of the Leiden Asia Centre, and author of China’s Digital Nationalism (Oxford University Press 2018) and Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series (Brill 2013, recipient of the 2014 EastAsiaNet book prize). In 2017, he was awarded the Leiden University teaching prize for his innovative work on gamified learning. His research interests include questions of governance, political communication, and digital media in China, as well as international relations in the East-Asian region.