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中英文篇名/Title | 潛藏轉移模式在社會學縱貫研究之應用:以青少年暴力行為發展研究為例 Latent Transition Models for Longitudinal Sociology Study: A paradigm of adolescences deviant behavior development |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 5-33 |
摘要/Abstract | 在縱貫研究(Iongitudinal study)中,研究者的主要研究目的之一,是如何能夠從被觀察對象的過往資料中擷取訊息,以協助研究者來預測被觀察對象在下一階段的表現。而在社會學研究中對人類的序貫行為(sequential behaviors)類型的理解,甚至進一步對某一些偏差行為的預防(prevention)或干預(intervention),也都可成為研究的重點。在本文中我們將示範潛藏轉移模式(Iatent transition model, LTM)用來解釋或預測研究對象在縱貫研究中行為的序貫關係(sequential relationship),從展示中,潛藏轉移模式的統計性質、特性、功能等將被詳細介紹,而且透過社會學研究的實例(Wu, 1999)分析,我們提供潛藏轉移模式在社會學縱貫研究中的實際應用示範。 青少年的過激(aggressive)行為或離經(deviant)行為常有其時間上的軌跡(trajectory)及脈絡可循(例見Tolan, & Rolfloeber, 1993) ,LTM 模式提供的序貫分析可用來了解及追蹤(tracking)問題青少年在縱貫研究中的行為模式,我們以LTM 模式分析Wu(1999)的青少年暴力行為研究資料,藉由此類的序貫分析,社會學家或教育工作者可有效地勾勒出青少年行為的軌跡,以提供進一步的預防或輔導工作決策。 In a longitudinal study, antecedents can often be the important indicators and/or predictors of consequences. Many sociologists and educational practitioners investigated sequential behaviors of adolescents to be able to proceed effective intervention/prevention programs. We demonstrate that latent transition modeling (LTM) is a good statistical modeling method for revealing sequential relationships. Theoretic derivations as well as computational implementations of latent transition modeling are discussed in this paper. Substantively, we studied items (Wu, 1999) that surveyed adolescent aggressive behaviors across years to model the latent transition probabilities of the behaviors among these adolescents. Using this example, we further provide substantive interpretations of conducting LTM methods and demonstrate the practical importance of LTM in substantive research fields. |
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