發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 調查資料之三角交叉分析:以大學社區生活品質之評估為例 Subjective Quality of Community Life:An Example of Data Triangulation |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 105-131 |
摘要/Abstract | 三角交叉法(triangulation),或稱多元交叉法,為社會科學領域中重要的研究設計之一,其目的在於增進研究的嚴謹度與可信度。在國內社會科學的實證研究中,同時運用質化與量化方法的研究調查已有逐漸增多的趨勢,然而將三角交叉法應用於資料分析方面,似乎較侷限於醫護心理之專業領域的質化分析研究,在社會學方面以及在量化資料分析上的應用則付之闕如。若能以多個樣本進行資料的交叉分析,不僅可提高研究結果的可信度,其所可能產生的不一致結果亦可對研究議題激發另一嶄新的思考方向。 本研究以研究調查之問卷資料,檢視不同樣本對於單一主題之評估,以探討三角交叉法運用於量化分析之可行性。資料來源為中央研究院伊慶春、章英華與田芳華所主持之「私立大學與社會互動關係之研究」計畫中,關於大學社區的部分一以學校附近的居民、學校教師、與學生為研究對象所進行之問卷調查。在本文中,我們選取一所私立大學,以學校附近社區生活品質之評估為主要研究議題,來檢視不同樣本對於同一主題的評估與反應。 以多元線性迴歸進行分析的研究結果發現,居民、教師、與學生 Triangulation has become an important research design in social sciences. By combining various data sources to examine the same social phenomenon, triangulation provides an opportunity to increase research reliability as well as to offer a fuller configuration of the research issue. In recent years, triangulation has been mainly confined to the data analysis using qualitative method. To apply triangulation in large quantitative data is still seriously lacking. This study applies triangulation to a survey data comprised of multiple samples - including local residents, college teachers, and students - that examines the subjective quality of life in a college community. The data were drawn from a research project entitled "The Interaction between Private Universities and the Society”. One specific university in central Taiwan was selected for this study. The results indicate that the evaluation on subjective quality of life is indeed different among three groups of respondents. Among local residents, college teachers, and students, inconsistent responses in subjective evaluation of life quality are demonstrated. The application of data triangulation has been confirmed by the preliminary findings. |
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