發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 社會網路分析方法於結構分析之應用:以台北地區小學教育資源分佈結構為例 The Application of Social Network Approach in Structural Analysis:A Study of the Elementary Educational Resources distribution Structure in Taipei Area |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 101-132 |
摘要/Abstract | 結構是社會科學最經常使用的分析概念之一,但應用總體性資料對結構進行實證了解的研究並不多見。本研究應用社會網路分析之方法對結構位置進行分析,以台北地區小學之教育資源分佈結構為例,進行資源分配結構位置之探討。傳統之結構分析多以不同單位之屬性進行分類,本研究經由方法論上的不同取向,應用社會網路分析方法中之結構地位分析方式,對台北地區小學教育資源分配之整體相對關係結構位置進行探討。透過方法上的新嘗試,提供學者進行結構分析之另一不同方式。 Structure, which is frequently used in social science, is one of analytical concepts. However, using aggregate data on structural analysis was rarely been seen in empirical research. The main goal of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of allocation structure, the distributive outcome in elementary educational resources in Taipei area, by social networks methods. Traditional structure analysis accustomed to categorize units by its attributes, the analysis to the integral structure was applied through various methodological approaches. This paper aims to provide a new approach to analyze aggregate data. Hopefully it will offer another direction for scholars in structural analysis. |
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