發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 電訪員心理特質與訪問表現的關係 Exploring the Relationship between Telephone Interviewers' Psychological Traits and Performance |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 7-46 |
摘要/Abstract | 既有研究指出,個人的心理素質對其工作表現影響甚鉅。其中人格特質及個人對經驗的歸因型態,都跟個人的事業成就有密切的關係。然而,在調查研究領域,相關的研究不僅極為稀少,也找不到跟訪問品質相關的心理素質。由於銷售員與訪員的工作性質相近,我們借助銷售員相關研究的發現,假設人格特質中的審慎性及外向性較高的訪員,會有較佳的工作表現;在歸因型態方面則假設,對不愉快的經驗較不會做永久性、普遍性歸因的訪員,亦會有較佳的工作表現。我們蒐集52 位電訪員的人格及歸因特質資料,並觀察這些人後續在三個電話訪問調查中的表現。由於訪員參訪的調查數目不等,實際用於分析的計有98 筆人次資料。我們以訪員的完訪率╱合作率與督導評量分數,分別作為其客觀與主觀的工作表現指標。研究結果顯示,愈會對不愉快經驗做暫時性而非永久性歸因的訪員,在各類指標上都有愈好的表現。而較外向的訪員,則傾向有較高的訪問合作率。對於本文的意涵與可能的限制,在文末也做了討論。 Psychological traits are critical to job performance. Among the traits, both personality characteristics and attributional styles are closely related to career success. However, similar studies in the field of survey research are at most rare and fruitless. In this paper, we borrow from research results on salespersons and hypothesize interviewers who score higher on the Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors and who are less likely to make permanent and pervasive attributions for unfavorable experiences have better performance. We collected data from 52 telephone interviewers, who later participated in at least one and at most three, of three survey projects, obtaining a total of 98 observations. We used both response/cooperation rates and supervisor evaluations as the objective and subjective indicators, respectively. Results indicate that those who tend more to give temporary rather than permanent reasons for unfavorable events have better performance on all the measures. The Extraversion dimension of personality has a significant relationship with the cooperation rate. We discuss the limitations and implications of the study. |
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