發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 青少年時期之認知自主性: 美國與台灣高中生之泛文化比較 Cognitive Autonomy in Adolescence: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of American and Taiwanese High School Students |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 7-45 |
摘要/Abstract | 大多數青少年自主性的研究者,只單一地將其研究焦點放在西方文化脈絡底下,專注在行為與情緒的自主面向上。本研究提供了從兩個文化的比較觀點,進行認知自主研究的獨特見解。本研究的樣本中,有來自美國的330 位青少年,以及來自台灣的376 位青少年,共同填寫一份名為「認知自主與自我評量」的問卷;該問卷是設計用以評估「認知自主」的五個面向。根據潛在類別分析(Latent Class Analysis)的結果,本研究發現:無論是美國或台灣的資料,或是男性或女性的資料,都符合兩個類別的認知自主發展模式。台灣的青少年,在認知自主的其中兩個面向:即「意見表達」和「自我評價」上,無論男女,都較不可能給自己較高的評分;反觀,美國的青少年,較不可能在「評斷性思考」上,給自己較高的自主性評分。而這兩個不同文化的青少年,在「比較性的確認」上,自我評分都偏低。性別差異的情況在台灣青少年的資料中顯著,但在美國青少年的資料中則無此現象。最後,本論文以本研究之發現在「同儕壓力」與「風險行為」方面的可能應用,進行討論。 Most often, researchers of adolescent autonomy focus on behavioral and emotional aspects of autonomy within western cultures. The current study provides insight on cognitive autonomy from two cultural perspectives. Adolescents from the United States (n = 330) and Taiwan (n = 376) completed the Cognitive Autonomy and Self-Evaluation (CASE) inventory, designed to assess five domains of cognitive autonomy. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) resulted in a two-class model of cognitive autonomy development across both culture and gender. Taiwanese females and males were less likely to self-rate high in cognitive autonomy areas including voicing opinions and self-assessing whereas American youth had lower probabilities to be highly autonomous in evaluating thinking. Adolescents from both cultures self- rated lower in comparative validation. Gender differences were observed among Taiwanese youth but not Americans. We conclude with a discussion of implications toward peer pressure and risky behaviors. |
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