發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 區域抽樣在調查研究上的應用 Application of Area Sampling in Surveys |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 105-121 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究應用一可替代戶籍資料取樣的區域抽樣架構,及運用系統抽樣與單一區域抽樣一人的設計,計算各鄉鎮市區的人口數,並以自行開發的程式,以確實得到區域抽樣的面訪座標點。經由實地的面訪工作後,對於有效樣本基本資料的分析,驗證其抽樣結果,性別的分佈與母群沒有差異;各縣市人口所占比例,除馬祖地區外,與母群的縣市人口比例相符;且部分年齡分層上亦接近母群的分佈。此一替代戶籍資料取樣的區域抽樣設計,希冀在未來缺乏戶籍資料情境之下,能作為全國性調查抽樣設計的參考。 Area Sampling was applied in this study. It is an alternative to census sampling, Based on the criterion of systematic sampling, an area sampling framework was designed. Using a self-developed program, coordinate points were calculated within one area sample. The participants came from the coordinate points. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews. Age and gender of the participants were analyzed to verify the representativeness of sampling results. The results showed that area sampling is an alternative method to census sampling. |
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