發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 社會網絡分析在公共行政領域研究的應用 The Application of Social Network Analysis to Public Administration Research |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
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頁碼/Pagination | 67-134 |
摘要/Abstract | 社會網絡分析(social network analysis, SNA)的發展已有百年的歷史,但最近十年才開始廣為公共行政學界注意與使用。由於現今公部門去中心化及公共政策多元參與的特質,導致對網絡管理(network management)的需求與能力日益殷切。社會網絡分析的使用,從實務上來說,恰可為這些實務問題的分析與管理策略的提供,找到循證(evidence-based)的基礎;從方法上來說,對政治與決策行為的理解,也提供了一個有異於傳統以屬性為核心的研究方法。本文將介紹社會網絡分析的資料蒐集方法,以及程度中心性、中介中心性、集中性與結構洞等重要指標操作化的方式,與其在公共行政與政治學領域的研究議題與可能的應用效益,並兼論可能的限制。 Social network analysis (SNA) has developed at least a century so far, but has just been noticed and applied in the academic field of public administration in the past decade. Due to the characteristics of decentralisation and multiple participation in public services and policy processes, public administration researchers have realised that SNA can help them address many relevant research questions nowadays and provide appropriate strategies for network management in practice. This paper starts by showing the way to operationalise data collection, and some important network measurements including degree centrality, betweenness centrality, centralization, density and structural holes, followed by their application sub-fields and effectiveness in public administration and political research. Finally, possible limitations of SNA are discussed. |
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