發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 邁向世界風險社會?台灣民眾的社會資本、風險感知與風險因應行為 Approaching a World Risk Society? Social Capital, Risk Perception and Risk Coping Behavior in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 127-166 |
摘要/Abstract | 風險社會是當代社會科學的重要議題,對於不同類型的風險,台灣各階層民眾如何認知與因應?本研究使用2013年「台灣社會變遷調查」風險社會組的問卷來分析上述議題。結果發現,不同的風險類型確實會影響台灣民眾的風險感知與風險因應行為:自雇者、體力勞動者與鄉鎮民眾較擔心氣候變遷,曾有天災受災經驗者亦較擔心核災。高教育程度、中壯年家庭與女性最擔心人為的食品安全風險;農民、非技術工人、低所得與低教育程度的弱勢族群更擔心颱風等天災風險,證明不同類之風險脆弱性群體影響其主觀風險感知,而天災與世界風險的脆弱群體有重疊。其次,風險感知確實會提高主觀評估的風險因應行為。第三,社會資本對風險感知影響不一致或不顯著,但社會資本越高者越可能採取風險因應行為,符合韌性研究的假設,顯示社會資本主要作用是因應風險而非感知風險。研究結果提醒政府、學界與公民社會,需要多元的風險溝通或風險治理方式來應對全球風險與天災人禍。 How do vulnerability and social capital shape people's risk perception and risk coping behavior in a high-risk society such as Taiwan? We apply the Risk Society Wave of the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) 2013 to investigate these questions. Statistical findings show that different types of risk shape people's social vulnerability, risk perception, and coping behavior: (1) Taiwanese people do worry about the world risks such as nuclear power and climate change, and their risk perception is related to their climate disaster hazards and vulnerability. Higher risk perception and social capital improve people's coping behavior related to world risks. (2) In contrast, the more highly educated, middle aged, and females worry about human-made food insecurity risk more than others; higher risk perception and social capital improve people's coping behavior related to human-made risks. (3) However, low socio-economic status people worry about natural disaster risks such as typhoons and earthquakes more than others; higher risk perception and social capital improve these relatively vulnerable people's coping behavior in relation to natural disaster risks. The results show that different types of risks—world, human-made, and natural disaster risks—shape people's social vulnerability, perceptions of hazards and risks, and coping behavior, and suggest different risk communication and risk governance strategies for the three types of risks in Taiwan. |
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