發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 時間就是金錢:訪問時間觀點下的雙底冊電話調查成本比較 Time is Money: A Comparison of the Cost of a Dual-Frame Telephone Survey Based on the Length of Interview |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
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頁碼/Pagination | 135-167 |
摘要/Abstract | 理論上,撥打手機所進行的問卷調查會因為較貴的通話費而有較高的調查成本。但本研究分析一項主題與消費者意向有關的雙底冊電話調查資料後發現,與住宅電話相比,手機調查不需要執行戶中選樣,手機樣本的人口特徵是年輕以及高教育程度,這些特點皆與訪問時間呈現負相關從而降低了調查成本。準此,本研究建議在唯手機族比例越來越高的今日,為避免住宅電話調查因涵蓋率不足所造成的估計偏誤,進行手機調查乃至於雙底冊電話調查勢所必然。至少手機調查成本過高不應是裹足不前的原因。 Because of the calling fee, cell phone surveys are expected to be more expensive than land phone surveys. This study examined this assumption by analyzing data from a dual-frame telephone survey on consumer intentions. Contrary to the expectation, the results indicate that the cost of cell phone surveying was lower than land phone surveying because the length of cell phone interviews was shorter. This can be attributed to the fact that cell phone surveys do not need to conduct random selection within a household, and the respondents of cell phone surveys are usually younger and have higher levels of education. Given that the potential for non-coverage bias continues to increase as the cell-only population grows, this study suggests that it is necessary to adopt dual-frame telephone surveying. At a minimum, the cost of cell phone surveys should no longer be a crucial concern. |
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