衛萬明 / 臺北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系特聘教授 A New Paradigm in City Planning and Designing: Utilizing TOD & Smart Growth Principles - Case Studies of Taiwan and International Cities 2024/09/20 14:00
閻姿慧 / 陽明交通大學運輸與物流管理學系教授 Changes in Public Transport Markets Due to Special Events – a Case Study of Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Mass Rapid Transit in the COVID-19 Pandemic 2024/09/06 14:00
樊家忠 / 臺灣大學經濟學系教授 The Impact of Female Political Leadership on Gender Attitudes: Evidence from Taiwan’s Local Councils 2024/08/30 14:00
陳珈惠 / 京都大學經濟研究所副教授 Optimal Feedback Dynamics Against Free-Riding in Collective Experimentation 2024/08/09 14:00
沈智新 / 中研院政治學研究所助研究員 Public Perceptions of False Positive and Negative Errors in News Reports 2024/08/02 14:00
Adam Chilton / University of Chicago Law School, Howard G. Krane Professor of Law Do Constitutional Unamendability Rules Protect Democracy? 2024/08/01 14:00
蔡明宏 / 中研院人社中心副研究員 On reordering problems: A study of the connected equal splitting rule 2024/07/26 14:00