Jay Pil Choi & Byung-Cheol Kim: Net Neutrality and Investment Incen tives/劉其享(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2011/07/08
Kevin Hasker & Robin Sickles: eBay in the Economic Literature: Anal ysis of an Auction Marketplace/陳忠榮(中央大學產業經濟研究所教授) 2011/07/01
J. Brown\, T. Hossain & J. Morgan: Shrouded Attributes and Informat ion Suppression: Evidence from the Field/黃盈棠(中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心博士後研究人員) 2011/06/17
Managerial Power\, Stock-Based Compensation\, and Firm Performance / Prof. Chongwoo Choe (Department of Economics\, Monash University) 2011/06/03
Refund and Refund Signaling in Auctions / Prof. Ruqu Wang (Departme nt of Economics\, Queen's University) 2011/06/03
Lectures on Sponsored Search / Prof. Ying-Ju Chen (Assistant Profes sor\, IEOR Department\, University of California at Berkeley) 2011/06/02
Optimal Dynamic Auctions for Display Advertising / Prof. Ying-Ju Ch en (University of California at Berkeley) 2011/05/27
J. Kuruzovich\, S. Viswanathan\, & R. Agarwal: Seller Search and Ma rket Outcomes in Online Auctions/李秋玉(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2011/05/20