Platform Competition and Heterogeneous Externalities / Eric Glen We yl (Harvard University) 2011/01/06
Anindya Ghose & Sha Yang: An Empirical Analysis of Search Engine Ad vertising: Sponsored Search in Electronic Markets/李秋玉(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2010/12/24
Andrei Hagiu: Two-Sided Platforms: Product Variety and Pricing Stru ctures/黃晏奇(中央大學經濟系博士候選人) 2010/12/17
Ravi Bapna\, Seokjoo Andrew Chang\, Paulo Goes & Alok Gupta: Overla pping Online Auctions: Empirical Characterization of Bidder Strategies and Auction Prices/林佳慶(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2010/12/10
Luis Cabral & Ali Hortacsu: The Dynamics of Seller Reputation: Evid ence from eBay/童怡璇(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2010/11/26
Shibo Li\, Kannan Srinivasan\, & Baohong Sun: Internet Auction Feat ures as Quality Signals/游雅婷(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2010/11/12
Mark Armstrong and Julian Wright: Two-sided Markets\, Competitive B ottlenecks and Exclusive Contracts/王佳琪(中央大學經濟學系博士) 2010/11/05
Nicholas Economides and Evangelos Katsamakas: Two-Sided Competition of Proprietary vs. Open Source Technology Platforms and the Implications f or the Software Industry/劉其享(中央大學產業經濟研究所博士候選人) 2010/10/29