發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 台灣客家運動之政策分析 Policy-Analysis of Taiwan's Hakka Campaign |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 501-540 |
摘要/Abstract | 長期以來,在台灣的客家人一直在政治、經濟各方面扮演著尷尬而隱誨的角色。自1988年客家運動開始發展以來,客家政策已經由最原始的「還我母語」運動的階段,逐漸深化與精緻化到各政黨「客家政策」競爭和「客家研究」逐漸興起的階段。台灣客家運動的發展日益受到關注,但是目前台灣的客家研究卻大多數仍集中於語言、風俗、或客家源流史,尙未反映當代客家研究的新趨勢:強調跨學科的整合研究,從而有利於政府客家政策之制訂。本文寫作的重要動機之一便是希望藉由政策科學 (policy science) 與「治理」(governance) 之探討,對於客家運動由社會運動演變為客家政策其背後的決策過程,作相關分析,為客家研究提供一個與政策制訂相關之研究途徑。為達到此研究目的,本研究主要透過政策科學中的「治理」概念與3i模型,建構一套動態的分析架構,來說明目前1988年迄今的客家政策形成過程。 For a long time, there has been an awkward taboo on people in Taiwan's politics and economy. With a gradual increase in depth and elaboration, the main discourse of the Hakka campaign has been trans formed from the primitive campaign of "Give back my mother language" to the stage of proposing sophisticated Hakka policy of political parties that contend in Taiwan's political development and thus making Hakka studies a rising academic subject. Although increasing attention has been drawn to the development of Taiwan's Hakka campaign, most studies have focused on language, custom or origin and history, without responding to the contemporary trends: laying emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches, thereby being beneficial to the authorities concerned in formulating Hakka policy. The point of policy science and governance should be to provide policy formulation for Hakka study. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the decision-making process of Taiwan's Hakka campaign, and to illustrate how government policy evolved from supporting the Hakka social movement to constructing a more consolidated Hakka policy. A concept of governance and 3i Model of policymaking were elaborated to establish a dynamic framework pertinent to interpreting the decision-making process of the present Taiwan Hakka policy. |
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