發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 活力老化與老年經濟安全體系:歐陸與臺灣的對話 Active Ageing and Old-Age Security Systems: A Dialogue between Continental Europe and Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 175-219 |
摘要/Abstract | 人口結構發展導致之老年依賴比的增加,衝擊西方工業民主福利國家勞動市場、經濟發展,以及以保險制度為核心之社會安全體系財務健全與制度的永續性,誘發自1990年代以來密集出現於西方工業民主福利國家中之緊縮性社會政策的改革,其中以公共年金制度的改革受到最多的討論。如何維繫公民的社會權,但又不損及福利體系財務的永續性,成為西方工業民主福利國家晚近面臨的重要難題。「活力老化」(active ageing)在此人口、社會—經濟結構下被提出,在國際組織的倡導下,成為二十一世紀回應人口結構老化的全球性公共策略。本文透過理念之梳理及歐陸與臺灣晚近制度發展的對話,呈現老年經濟安全體系與「活力老化」的關係(nexus),透過歐陸經驗的分析,提供臺灣未來福利體系改革與發展的重要參考與借鏡。 The increase in old age population due to population ageing has created important challenges for the labor market, economic development, and the f inancial and institutional sustainability of insurance-centered social security systems, and has hence caused policy reforms and retrenchments to intensify since the 1990s in the western welfare democracies. How to maintain social rights and consolidate the welfare system financially at the same time has become a dilemma for most of the welfare democracies. “Active ageing” has been promoted in this socio-economic and demographic context, and has become established as the leading global policy strategy in response to population aging in the 21st century. Starting with a review of the framing of a specific concept and policy discourse around “active aging” on the European stage, this paper carries on a dialogue between continental Europe and Taiwan about the nexus between the recent development of the old age security system and active aging. Lessens from continental Europe will be suggested for future policy development in Taiwan. |
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