發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 黑格爾倫理性自由主義之重構 Toward a Reconstruction of Hegel's Ethical Liberalism |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 305-338 |
摘要/Abstract | 在當代自由主義與社群主義的論爭之中,黑格爾往往被視為社群主義的根源之一。本文嘗試將黑格爾的政治理論作一更適當之定位,提出以「倫理性自由主義」 作為詮釋的基本槪念。黑格爾的政治學乃基於其對現代生活之異化現象(例如分裂的自我以及公民與私人身份之割離) 的批判,從而嘗試結合自由與倫理整合以資克服。這種思考方式以倫理性自由主義加以理解為最恰當,因為它試圖將政治原則落實到國家政制以及公民文化之中。本文並詳細說明「法哲學原理」 乃由兩個基本原則所構成:自我發展以及漸進式的制度化過程。這兩個原則分別代表黑格爾的倫理性自由主義對主觀意識與客觀制度之具體理論。此二原則也必須同時俱成方能構成現代情境中整體性之政治理想。 Hegel's political philosophy is often regarded as a prototype of contemporary communitarianism. In this paper I contend that ethical liberalism is a more adequate approach to interpret Hegel's political theory in view of his effort to synthesize the modem ideas of freedom and ethical integration. Hegel's political vision is developed out of his criticisms of the dichotomies of modernity, such as the divided self and the disparity between private self and citizen. Ethical liberalism attempts to realize political principles in the constitutional arrangements of the regime as well as the civic culture of the political community. I argue that the philosophic project of the Philosophy of Right consists of two principles -- self-development and concentric institutionalization. These two principles conceptualize the subjective consciousness and objective institutions for ethical liberalism. They are also complementary, and constitute a comprehensive vision of sociopolitical life under modem conditions. |
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