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中英文篇名/Title | 台灣地區「常住人口」與「移動人口」的比較:2001年國民健康訪問調查資料的實證分析 Comparisons Among the Household Registry,Stay,and Migrated Populations in Taiwan :Evidence from the Data of 2001 Taiwan National Health Interview Survey |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 5-29 |
摘要/Abstract | 本硏究以民國九十年「國民健康訪問調査」中台灣地區之家戶問卷及個人問卷樣本爲材料,主要比較「常住人口」與「移動人口」之差異,並探討現住地址與戶籍地址不同者移動的範圍。比較十二歲以上移動人口與常住人口的人口特性、社經背景、健康狀況、健康行爲、醫療利用上的分布差異情形。另外比較完訪家戶組成人口數、十五歲以上樣本之婚姻與敎育程度在戶籍登記資料與實際訪問結果之差異, 供曰後從事調査訪問者以戶籍登記資料爲抽樣母體時之參考。硏究結果發現,「移動人口」中「籍不在人在」者大多分布於大都巿;原抽戶籍與現住地址不同者,其現住地址多與戶籍地址相近。完訪樣本中的移動人口和常住者相比,其年齡、敎育程度、現住地都市化程度、婚姻狀況、面訪使用語言、家戶收入、從事行業、從業身分、個人月收入、自覺健康、曾患高血壓、糖尿病、高血脂的健康狀態、是否抽煙、嚼擯榔等行爲、身體不適時選擇看中醫與選擇去藥局拿藥的醫療利用有顯著差異。在戶籍登記與實際訪問結果差異顯示婚姻狀況回答與登記資料符合者有96.7%。 綜合本硏究結果,我們發現移動人口與常住人口明顯不同,但不良之健康行爲、慢性病患者中有很大的比例是常住人口 ,而且移動人口多爲年輕、敎育程度高者,如果要推論全國現況,必須嚴格的追蹤移動人口,而在醫療政策或健康促進的設計上,不需要特別針對移動人口特別規劃,而戶籍登記資料中婚姻狀況和實際訪問資料很吻合, 因此相關硏究可以直接引用這方面資料 This study utilized the household and individual questionnaires to compare the status of sampled individuals "registered" with the "actual staying" addresses. We further explored the distance between the registered and the actual living places of those who did not stay the registered places. There were two aims of this study. The first aim was to compare the demographic characteristics, economic status, health status, health behaviors, and the utilization of health care systems of those who migrated with the stayed. The second aim was to compare the household composition, marriage status and education levels between the self-reported and the household registry data. We defined the stayers as those who stayed where they registered, and the movers were those who stayed in addresses different from the registered permanently. Results showed that most of those "did not registered, but stayed" occurred in big cities. Those with current addresses different from the registered stayed close to the registered addresses. The movers were different from the stayers in age, education levels, urbanization of the current location, marital status, language used in the interview, income, occupation, self-perceived health, with/without hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking status, chewing betel nuts, and preference of medical care. The results were consistent with those of 1990 Taiwan National Health interview Survey. That implied that movers could affect the representative of the sample. The consistency between self-reported and registered marital status was very good, 96.7% agreed, whereas the consistency of education levels was not ideal, 79.2% agreed. |
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