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中英文篇名/Title | 消費者對餵食基改大豆之鮭魚偏好與風險願付價值 Consumer Preference and Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Salmon in Taiwan |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 61-86 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文旨在分析消費者對餵食基改大豆鮭魚之偏好,以及其對避免基改風險之願付價值。為達到上述目的,我們於民國92年進行了全台性消費者電話訪問,調查民眾對基改食品之風險認知與接受度,再利用多項式Logit辨別偏好基改或非基改鮭魚之消費群,以及利用Hanemann(1984)模式衡量消費者之基改風險願付價值。研究發現:風險認知程度、價格、性別與所得等社經變數,會影響消費偏好;而樣本消費者願意多支付49%之市價來購買餵食非基改大豆鮭魚,表示其基改風險之願付價值約每斤74元,這些發現均為漁業及生技產業之重要市場訊息。 This paper attempts to analyze consumer preference toward genetically modified (GM) salmon and to estimate willingness-to-pay a premium for non-GM salmon. To serve such purpose, we conducted an islandwide telephone survey to Taiwanese consumers in 2003. Public risk perceptions and consumer acceptance for GM foods including salmon are investigated. While adopting a multinomial logit to identify preference groups, we also employ Hanemann (1984) approach to measure consumer willingness-to-pay for GM salmon. Empirical results have found that risk perception, price of salmon, gender and income are significant factors to explain consumer preference toward GM and non-GM salmons. Consumers willingness-to-pay for non-GM salmon is averagely estimated to be 49% (or 74 NT dollar per Taiwan kilogram) over current market price of salmon. These findings are critical market information for fishery and biotech industries. |
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