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中英文篇名/Title | 消費者對基改食品認知與接受度之質性分析:焦點團體討論法之應用 A Qualitative Analysis of the Consumer Perception and Acceptance of GM Foods:An Application of the Focus Group Discussion Method |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 93-119 |
摘要/Abstract | 近年來生物技術的進步,伴隨而來的是基因改造生物(Genetically Modified Organism,GMOs)與基因改造食品(GM Foods)發展日益興盛,自1990年生物技術首次運用於作物種植至今,全球已有逾50項的基因改造作物投入商業化的生產。然不論是GMO或是GM食品,對一般消費大眾而言,都是新知識、新名詞,考量GM食品涉及到生物科技及基因工程等高度科學技術與知識,而應用質性研究的焦點團體討論法,在互動的情境下較能蒐集到質性的資料,以增進研究的深究與廣度。 本文目的在於應用焦點團體討論法來深入瞭解消費者對基改食品認知與接受程度,研究結果顯示:(1)受訪者大都聽說過「GM食品」一詞,但是對其真正意義都無法正確地陳述;(2)受訪者對市面上有哪些食品為GM食品之瞭解程度,無地域性差異;(3)受訪者偏好選擇Non-GM;(4)受訪者對GM食品食用上存在安全疑慮,而因為有安全疑慮,願意花費較高的價格購買有標示Non-GM食品,最高價差達5.5倍;(5)就2000-2003期間四個類似研究結果之比較,發現受訪者對GM食品的認知程度並無明顯的差異或改善,顯示出GM相關議題的教育和宣導有待強化。 In order to better understand how consumers think about GMOs and/or GM foods, the use of information from consumer-focus groups is indispensable. In particular, the information about consumer perception and knowledge of GMOs and/or GM foods is very limited when compared to the progress of biotechnology. In this study, two focus group discussions were conducted to collect the information of consumers' perception and acceptance of GM foods in Taiwan. Results show that the focus group participants considered themselves "informed" about GM foods and/or GMOs. However, most of them were unable to define GMO and/or GM food well. The degree of acceptance of GMOs and/or GM foods is not different significantly between the two focus groups. Results also show that the opinions to accept or reject GMOs and/or GM foods are mixed because of the focus group participants were uncertain and unfamiliar with the biotechnology of GMOs and/or GM foods. |
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