發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 台灣文官調查研究資料蒐集方法與調查品質:「訪員遞送與受訪者自填問卷」方法之探討 Data Collection and Non-response in Surveying Taiwan's Bureaucrats |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 141-179 |
摘要/Abstract | 本文探討於2008 年所執行「台灣文官調查」的調查過程與結果之品質,目的在瞭解透過新方式訪問公務員,是否能夠提升訪問品質,以期能對未來文官調查事務有所助益。有別於一般調查的對象,台灣文官具有保守性,較不願意表達自己的意見與接受外界的訪調,以避免帶來不必要的麻煩。為了克服傳統郵寄問卷無法確保填問卷者為受訪者本人的問題,台灣文官調查採取「訪員遞送、受訪者自填」的方式,經過資料分析發現,透過步驟更改,此次調查得到將近七成的回收率與較低的項目無反應率。基於本次研究結果,本文提出未來文官調查在規劃與執行上的建議。 This article assesses the process and the quality of the Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey conducted in 2008. The main purpose of this article is to examine if the new methods of collecting data can enhance the quality of survey, and also to propose helpful suggestions for further survey on government bureaucrats. Different from general survey, government bureaucrats are more sensitive to politics and easily hesitate to express their opinions in interviews. To encounter the problems arising in a mail survey that those who fill the questionnaire may not be the ones sampled by the investigator, Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey adopted "in person, self-administered" method to collect data. Our analysis demonstrates that the response rate reaches 70% and non-response rate in survey items is relatively low. Based on the findings, we propose suggestions for planning and implementing surveys on government bureaucrats. |
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