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中英文篇名/Title | 探討大學生對於EMI課程的學習態度:以某醫護型大學通識課為例 Investigating College Students’ Learning Attitudes toward EMI Courses: A Study of General Education at a Medical University |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1-40 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究探討大學生對於EMI(English as a Medium of Instruction)之通識課程的學習態度。研究者自編「大學生對於全英語授課課程的學習態度問卷」,經專家效度檢驗、項目分析及探索性因素分析,萃取出四個向度,命名為「對課程的情感與認知」、「學生學習策略行為」、「對英文能力的情感與認知」及「對教師教學與教材的情感與認知」,各自能解釋51.47%、8.90%、6.33%及3.76%變異量。研究選取來自110學年度六門EMI通識課程共252位學生,驗證性因素分析確定本量表達良好適配度標準。透過獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析發現,男大學生比女大學生在EMI課程中採用較多的學習策略,而學習感覺輕鬆的學生比學習感到困難的學生在「課程」及「教師教學與教材」兩個向度有較高的評價。此外,結構方程式模式發現,「英文能力」對於「教師教學與教材」具顯著正向預測力,其次為「課程」,而「學習策略」居後。內容主題分析及卡方檢定分析質性資料發現,不同性別與不同學習感受的學生對於EMI課程的看法有顯著差異。 This study explored university students’ attitudes toward General Education courses taught through English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). The researchers developed a questionnaire titled “University Students’ Attitudes Toward English-taught Courses” and conducted expert validity tests, item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis, identifying four dimensions: emotional and cognitive responses to the course; student learning strategies; emotional and cognitive responses to English proficiency; and emotional and cognitive responses to teaching and materials. These dimensions explained 51.47%, 8.90%, 6.33%, and 3.76% of the variance, respectively. The study involved 252 students from six EMI courses during the 2021 academic year. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit for the model. Independent sample t-tests and one-way ANOVA showed that male students employed more learning strategies in EMI courses than female students, and students who felt comfortable with their learning rated both the “Course” and “Teaching and Materials” dimensions more favorably than those who struggled. Furthermore, structural equation modeling revealed that “English Proficiency” had a significant positive predictive effect on “Teaching and Materials,” followed by “Course,” while “Learning Strategy” was the least predictive. Theme content analysis and chi-square tests identified significant differences in perceptions of EMI courses between genders and among students with varying learning experiences. The findings suggest the need to refine teaching approaches and materials to enhance learning outcomes and provide better guidance on effective learning strategies. |
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