發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 人宅雙老現象初探:內政部銀髮安居與人口住宅普查的對話 An Exploration into the Phenomenon of the Older Adults Living in Old-age Houses: A Dialogue between the Ministry of the Interior’s Senior Housing and the Population and Housing Census |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Summary |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 1-32 |
摘要/Abstract | 臺灣預計於2025年進入超高齡社會,高齡者的居住安全與生活福祉將更形重要。本文運用內政部社會經濟資料平臺之銀髮安居計畫,及2010年人口及住宅普查資料,檢視臺灣地區居住在屋齡30年以上、五樓以下無電梯住宅的高齡者,個人及家戶的照顧需求。運用內政部銀髮安居資料,從照顧需求、行動障礙與老宅比例等三個面向切入,找出臺灣地區人宅雙老較為嚴重的區域,並以人口及住宅普查,檢視居住老宅中的長者及家庭情境。研究發現如下:(1)照顧困難、行動障礙,與居住老宅,兩兩呈現空間上的中度與低度相關,無明顯的空間集中趨勢;(2)高齡者的照顧需求發生在人口流失的非都會區,行動障礙出現在中南部與東部的都會週邊地帶,老宅則以北部都會區較為嚴重,三者空間熱區並不相同;(3)住在老宅中的高齡者,教育程偏低、子女不同住比例偏高,單身家戶與夫婦家庭比例偏高;(4)全臺約四成的失能高齡者有住在老宅中,其中,三成一為有照顧風險的家戶,此類長者及其家庭需要更多的照顧支持以提高其生活與居住安全。 Taiwan is expected to become a super-aged society by 2025, making the safety and well-being of the older adults increasingly important. Using data from the Aged Dwelling Program on the Ministry of the Interior’s Socio-Economic Geographic Information System (“SEGIS” or “the Ministry”) and the 2010 Population and Housing Census, this study scrutinized the demographic, household, and care needs of senior citizens in Taiwan living in apartments located below the fifth floor, without elevators, that are over 30 years old. The findings were as follows. (1) Challenges related to caregiving, mobility impairments, and residing in old houses showed a moderate to low spatial correlation in pairs, with no apparent trend towards spatial concentration. (2) Their care needs were not adequately met in non-metropolitan areas with population loss. Mobility was impaired at the periphery of the south-central and eastern metropolitan areas. Furthermore, the issue of old-age homes in the northern metropolitan areas was more serious, with no overlap in terms of spatial thermal zones. (3) Older adults living in old houses generally have lower educational levels, a higher proportion of adult children living separately, and a higher prevalence of them living alone or with a spouse. (4) Approximately 40% of older adults individuals with disabilities in Taiwan reside in old houses, 30% of whom are in households with caregiving-related risks. Additional caregiving support is imperative for the elderly in these households and their families to enhance their overall quality of life and residential safety. |
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