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中英文篇名/Title | 多頭領導的中國海上執法力量 Beijing's Multi-Headed Maritime Law-Enforcement Forces |
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頁碼/Pagination | 33- |
摘要/Abstract | 淡江大學未來學研究所兼任助理教授
中國邊海防工作由國務院與中央軍委共同領導,形成國家、省、地、縣四級邊海防委員會體制。中國海上執法力量屬於多頭領導分散型,包括海警(Haijing,China Coast Guard)、海監(Haijian,China Marine Surveillance)、海巡(Haixun,China Maritime Safety Administration)、漁政(Yuzheng,China Fisheries Law Enforcement)與海關(Haiguan,China Customs)等五大隊伍。分散型海上執法力量造成多頭領導、職權交叉、重複建設、效率不佳、缺乏協調等現象。有建議提出仿效日本海上保安廳或美國海岸防衛隊,組建統一型海上執法力量。這項改組涉及各部門、各行業體制改革、人員安置、利益分配等問題,短期內實現機會不大。在與周邊鄰海國家海上領土與海洋權益衝突加劇之際,中國海上執法力量在管轄海域維權重要性日增,其動態與發展值得我們持續關注。 關鍵詞:海警、海監、海事、漁政、海關 【本期提供全文下載】 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Tamkang University The Chinese border and coast guard is jointly led by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, comprising state, provincial, regional and county levels. The Chinese civil maritime law enforcement agencies include China Coast Guard, China Marine Surveillance, China Maritime Safety Administration, China Fisheries Law Enforcement and China Customs. In contrast to a unified Japan Coast Guard or the U. S. Coast Guard, the Chinese model is a multi-headed, overlapping-jurisdiction, and inefficient-bureaucratic force short of labor division and coordination. Owing to the entrenched interests of state departments, local provinces and even various industries, it will be hard to implement any reform program in the near future. However, the Chinese civil maritime law enforcement forces play pivotal roles during the emerging tensions with neighboring countries in the South China Sea and the East China Sea; it is worthwhile to closely monitor the dynamics and development of these forces. Key words: China Coast Guard, China Marine Surveillance, China Maritime Safety Administration, China Fisheries Law Enforcement, China Customs 【This paper is written in Chinese. Read the Chinese Abstract.】 【Full paper download available】 |
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