發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 國家利益:從台灣的角度去分析 National Interest: A Perspective from Taiwan |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1- |
摘要/Abstract | 國立政治大學副校長
本文採用國際關係的國家利益架構,分析中華民國的國家利益。在國際關係的研究上,美國及其他大國的國家利益早有許多研究,可是,台灣的國家利益卻很少觸及。本文特別從台灣的角度去分析。由於台灣的國際地位非常特殊,本文從國際法及國際政治的角度先作說明,再分析何謂「現狀的維持」,再討論認同及其他問題。國家利益則從戰略、政治、經濟、外交及社會逐項分析。至於在最根本的美日中關係上,台灣應該採取什麼策略因應,以維持台海的和平及穩定,本文並未作出具體建議,留待進一步觀察及研究。 關鍵詞:台海現狀、兩岸關係、台灣關係法、九二共識、兩岸經濟合作架構協議 Vice President, National Chengchi University This paper tries to analyze a very basic issue in studying the foreign relations and policy of Taiwan. The academic community is very familiar with the national interests of the United States and China, as well as other major powers, but not those of Taiwan. The case is unique, simply because the Republic of China has been re-recognized by all the major powers and Taiwan has not declared independence. Therefore, we should analyze the national interests of the Republic of China in accordance with the existing paradigm of the academic community. For the simple purpose of communication, this paper uses the term Taiwan’s national interest. The paper analyzes the position of Taiwan in the international system from two perspectives, namely, international law and politics. It goes on to analyze the meaning of the status quo and its policy implications. National identity, cross-strait relations, American policy and other factors are also touched upon and analyzed. The major parts of this paper deal with strategic, political, social and economic interests of Taiwan. This paper gives no answer to this fundamental issue, simply because we need to wait further. Key words: the status quo in the Taiwan strait, cross-strait relations, Taiwan Relations Act, the l992 Consensus, Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) 【This paper is written in Chinese. Read the Chinese Abstract.】 |
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