發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 東協模式與亞太地區的多邊主義 The ASEAN-Way and Multilateralism in the Asia-Pacific Region |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1- |
摘要/Abstract | 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心副研究員
過去20年間,亞太區域發展動態進入了新的階段,並邁向多邊主義。綜觀亞太與東亞兩軌兼容的區域發展進程,發現其皆循著一共通運作方式:「東協模式」(The ASEAN-way diplomacy)。這篇文章一開始先總結亞太及東亞區域的多邊主義特質,再進一步探究:「為何所採取的是『東協模式』而非『霸權模式』?」藉經濟學中的「均衡」概念,本文認為東協模式不僅是建立亞太多邊主義的必要條件,亦是在亞太多邊主義初始發展階段,得以滿足區域內各強權戰略利益,以達成「納許均衡」(Nash equilibrium)的充分條件。 關鍵詞:區域多邊主義、東協外交模式、東協憲章、納許均衡、亞太 【本文為英文論文,請按此閱讀英文版摘要】 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University In the past two decades, countries in the Asia-Pacific region experienced a new phase of dynamics: multilateralism. Two compatible tracks of regional processes—Asia-Pacific and East Asian—have shared a common modality, i.e. the ASEAN-way diplomacy. This paper starts with a summary of a modus operandi of Asia Pacific/East Asian multilateralism. The main theoretical puzzle is “why is it the ASEAN-way diplomacy, not a hegemonic way?” Borrowing the concept of equilibrium from economic philosophy, I suggest that the ASEAN-way diplomacy is not only a necessary condition to start regional multilateralism but also a sufficient element to create a Nash equilibrium that satisfies strategic rationales of regional powers at the nascent stage of Asia Pacific multilateralism. Key words: regional multilateralism, the ASEAN-way diplomacy, ASEAN Charter, Nash equilibrium, Asia-Pacific |
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