發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 伊斯蘭復興運動及非馬來族群的回應 Political Islam in Malaysia: The Islamic Revival Movements and Non-Malays’ Response |
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頁碼/Pagination | 51- |
摘要/Abstract | 美國匹茲堡大學政治學系博士後研究員暨亞洲研究中心研究員
馬來西亞是個多族群及多文化的國家,馬來裔及其他原住民佔馬來西亞總人口的61%,華裔及印度裔則分別佔馬來西亞總人口的24%及7%。若根據Samuel P. Huntington的說法,馬來西亞算是位於伊斯蘭、儒教及印度教文明交界的斷層帶上,理應會時常發生族群衝突。然而,從歷史上來看,馬來西亞獨立至今鮮少發生激烈的文明衝突。因此,本文將考量馬來西亞特殊的政治社會脈絡,重新檢視Huntington文明衝突論的主張。本文首先將簡單回顧馬來西亞殖民時期的歷史,其次則探討伊斯蘭復興運動出現的原因與發展歷程,以及隨後出現的官方伊斯蘭化運動對馬來西亞產生的政治效應。第三,本文也將分析華裔及印度裔對馬來西亞伊斯蘭復興運動的回應方式。最後,作者將討論馬來西亞案例所代表的啟示與意涵。 關鍵詞:政治伊斯蘭、馬來西亞、伊斯蘭復興運動、族群關係、民族主義 【本文為英文論文,請按此閱讀英文版摘要】 Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, and Research Associate, Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country; Malays and other indigenous people constitute about 61% of the population, Chinese and Indians are around 24% and 7% respectively, and other ethnic groups make up the rest. According to Samuel P. Huntington, Malaysia is located at the fault lines among Islamic, Chinese, and Hindu civilizations; however, a clash of civilizations has seldom happened in Malaysia. Therefore, the author attempts to re-examine Huntington’s argument about the clash of civilizations by means of a case study of Malaysia. First, the article briefly reviews the history of Malaysia. Secondly, it explores the causes of and historical development of the Islamic revival movements, and the effects of the official Islamization movements in Malaysia. Thirdly, it discusses the concern and response of non-Malays (Chinese and Indian) about the circumstances of Islamic resurgence in Malaysia. Finally, the author analyzes the implication of the Malaysian case. Key words: Political Islam, Islamic revival movement, Malaysia, ethnic relations, nationalism |
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