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中英文篇名/Title | 【研究論文】泰國文化創意產業的政治經濟分析 【Research Papers】The Political Economy of the Cultural and Creative Industry in Thailand |
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頁碼/Pagination | 1- |
摘要/Abstract | 佛光大學國際與兩岸事務學系副教授
文化創意產業最早於1997年出現在英國,泰國則是在1997年金融風暴之後,為了儘速進行經濟復甦,故在政府帶領之下發展文化創意產業,主要分為四大類:(1)文化遺產(Cultural Heritage):手工藝、歷史與文化觀光;(2)藝術(Arts):表演藝術;(3)媒體(Media):電影、出版、廣播與音樂;(4)創意(Functional Creation):設計、時尚、建築、廣告與軟體。2002年中,塔克辛(Thaksin Shinawatra)政府在國際競爭力大師Michael Porter的建議之下,選出五大競爭力產業:觀光業、時尚業、食品業、電腦動畫業、汽車業,其中的時尚業、食品業與電腦動畫業與文化創意產業關係密切。在政府的挑選之下,文創產業成為帶領泰國進行經濟復甦的重要策略性產業。泰國政府在文化創意產業上所提出的計畫包括:曼谷時尚城市(Bangkok Fashion City)計畫、泰國創意設計中心(Thailand Creative and Design Center,TCDC)、一鄉一產品(One Tambon One Product,OTOP)計畫、泰國世界廚房中心(Center for Thailand’s Kitchen of the World,CTKW)計畫與電影產業等,泰國政府希望可以藉由強調柔性權力的文化創意產業,有效帶領泰國經濟走出危機。在經過多年的發展之後,泰國文化創意產業的產值大幅提昇,泰國的設計實力受到全世界矚目,泰國的影視產品也同樣大放異彩。本文即希望以泰國的文化創意產業為例,分析泰國政府在文化創意產業中所扮演的角色以及影響其後續發展的因素。 關鍵詞:泰國、文創產業、柔性權力、TCDC、OTOP Associate Professor, Department of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Fo Guang University The cultural and creative industry had its first appearance in the United Kingdom in 1997. In 2002, the Thaksin government specified five competitive industries in order to provide new energy for economic development. Tourism, fashion, food, software and automobile industries were thus chosen, as the fashion, food and software industries were closely related to the idea of cultural and creative industry. Since then, the cultural and creative industry was launched by the Thai government in order to revive the economy, which was seriously hit in the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. The Thai government promoted several flagship cultural and creative projects, including the Bangkok Fashion City Project, the Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC), One Tambon One Product (OTOP) Project, Center for Thailand’s Kitchen of the World (CTKW) and Film Industry. Judged by later development, obviously, the Thai government’s new strategy to surmount the economic turmoil through its soft power resource of cultural and creative industry was effective. After years of development, the cultural and creative industry has become profitable. The outstanding performance of Thai designers, movies and commercials has impressed the world. This paper looks at the process and development of cultural and creative industry in Thailand since 1997, including its economic contribution, the government’s role, and future development. Key words: Thailand, Cultural and Creative Industry, Soft Power, TCDC, OTOP 【This paper is written in Chinese. Read the Chinese Abstract.】 |
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