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中英文篇名/Title | 【研究論文】東協國際救災體制的發展與啟示 【Research Papers】The Development of the South East Asian Regional Disaster Relief Institution and Its Implications for Taiwan |
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頁碼/Pagination | 95- |
摘要/Abstract | 國立成功大學政治學系副教授
為回應天然災害威脅,東協已經創建東協區域災害管理制度,並以此為基礎,試圖衍生東協區域論壇的救災機制。雖然東協區域論壇救災機制停留在共識討論的階段,不過東協區域災害管理制度已致力於法制化、制度化及組織建構的努力。東協主導下的救災機制,更透過舉行救災兵棋演練暨示範操演,提昇救災體系的整體效能。然而東協區域救災機制創建過程中刻意邊緣化台灣的缺失,將是建構東亞區域災害管理體系的重大疏漏。 關鍵詞:東協、東協區域論壇、救災、軍民合作行動、區域災害合作 【本文為英文論文,請按此閱讀英文版摘要】 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Cheng-Kung University In response to the huge damage triggered from disasters, ASEAN has established the South East Asian Regional Disaster Management institution, which has built the foundation for the institutionalization of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)’s disaster relief system. The ARF disaster relief system is currently in a consensus-building state, and the ASEAN disaster management institution has committed to its legalization, institutionalization, and organization building. Both the ASEAN and the ARF disaster relief institutions have undertaken numerous disaster relief exercises for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of the whole system. Taiwan’s marginalization in regional institution participation is a terrible fault in the comprehensive realization of an East Asia regional disaster management system. Key words: ASEAN, ARF, Disaster relief, Civil-military cooperation, Regional relief cooperation |
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