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中英文篇名/Title | 【研究論文】台海兩岸和解與台日關係發展 【Research Papers】Cross-Strait Détente and Development of Taiwan-Japan Relations |
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頁碼/Pagination | 69- |
摘要/Abstract | 中央研究院歐美研究所研究員
亞太區域研究專題中心合聘研究員兼執行長 日本長久以來密切觀察台灣海峽情勢。1996年台海危機之後,日本與美國針對日本周邊特別是朝鮮半島與台海情勢發展,加強安全合作。日本關切陳水扁政府在2004年防衛性公投、2008年加入聯合國的公投。隨著國民黨重回執政,馬英九政府基本上改變了台灣國家安全政策的思考。日本與美國習於處理台海緊張與危機,不見得對台海兩岸和解架構有所準備。本論文旨在探討日本政府、學者專家、媒體對台灣與中國關係改善的立場,了解日本在台灣海峽的國家利益及對兩岸在釣魚台合作的反應。除了透過網路蒐集日本外務省資料外,經由針對日本中國通的訪談,了解日本對台海兩岸關係改善的想法。 關鍵詞:台灣、兩岸和解、中國、日本、釣魚台 Research Fellow and Executive Director, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia SinicaResearch Fellow and Executive Director, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, Academia Sinica Japan has been constantly following the development of the situation across the Taiwan Strait. Since the 1996 Taiwan missile crisis, Japan has strengthened its security cooperation with the U.S. in regards to the developments in areas surrounding Japan, particularly the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait. During the Chen Shui-bian administration, Japan was concerned about the tension between Taiwan and China over the defensive referendum in 2004 and then the UN referendum in 2008. With the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) returning to power in May 2008, the Ma Ying-jeou government has fundamentally modified Taiwan’s national security policy. Japan and the U.S. were accustomed to tension in the Taiwan Strait. They are not, however, necessarily prepared in responding to a peace framework across the Taiwan Strait. This paper intends to study perspectives of Japan’s government, elites, and media regarding national interest in the Taiwan Strait and their reactions to cross-Strait cooperation in the disputed Dia-yu-tai islands. In addition to gaining access to the websites of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leading newspapers, the paper also interviewed Japan’s China experts for their perspectives and analyses on improvement of cross-Strait relations. Key words: Taiwan, cross-Strait détente, China, Japan, Diao-yu-tai Islands 【This paper is written in Chinese. Read the Chinese Abstract.】 |
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