發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | RCEP的迷思:對東亞區域整合的重新檢視 Myth of RCEP: A Reexamination of East Asian Regional Integration |
論文屬性/Type | 研究紀要 Research Notes |
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頁碼/Pagination | 169-200 |
摘要/Abstract | 區域全面經濟夥伴協定(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP)是東亞區域整合一個重要的里程碑,結合中日韓、紐澳及印度分別與東協訂定的東協加一協定而成,也意圖鞏固區域產業供應鏈。不過,不論是區域整合本身或是區域供應鏈,真的對區域各國那麼有利嗎?尤其是臺灣,為區域最早興起之東亞四小龍之一,多年來積極參與區域生產網絡,雖然使許多企業獲利良多,但也使得國內勞工的實質工資停滯不前,加上貿易條件的逐年惡化,也凸顯國內產業技術短缺的問題。所以,不禁要懷疑,不論是RCEP或其他區域整合行動,也許只是一個迷思?我們需要嚴肅檢討今天資本主義發展的潛在危機,這對臺灣以至於整個區域的未來,都具有著重要的意涵。本文從生產製程分割所形成的全球貿易與投資型態出發,探討跨國企業透過RCEP及其他區域生產佈局策略,加上這些區域整合的忽視非關稅貿易措施,對臺灣所產生的衝擊與影響。一來希望能澄清國內各界對RCEP及其他區域整合行動的迷思,二來也希望能點出臺灣目前產業發展的困境,以供後續研究的參酌。 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement is an important milestone in East Asian regional integration, combining several ASEAN-Plus-One agreements with China, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and, presumably, India which intended to strengthen regional industrial supply chains. However, is the regional integration per se or regional supply chain really so beneficial to countries in the area? Over the years Taiwan, as one of the earliest emerging East Asian tigers, has been actively involved in regional production networks which had benefited to its businesses tremendously, but also revealed a crucial problem of skill shortages in in-dustries within the country as we had witnessed a stall in real wages of domestic la-bors as well as deterioration of its terms of trade. We, therefore, cannot help to wonder if the RCEP or other regional integration schemes are just some myths. Maybe we should seriously reexamine the potential crisis in nowadays capitalism which could be of prominently harmful implications for the future of Taiwan or even the whole region. This paper tries to explore, from the perspective of global trade and investment patterns caused by production fragmentation, how transnational en-terprises, through RCEP and other regional production division strategies which de-liberately ignored non-tariff measures, have brought impacts and influences on Tai-wan. It is meant to clarify a popular myth imbued in RCEP and other regional inte-gration schemes on one hand, and to point out crucial conundrum in current indus-trial development in Taiwan on the other hand, so as to provide some foods for thought for further studies. |
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