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中英文篇名/Title | 歐盟因應中國大陸不公平貿易行為之挑戰:跨境補貼之問題 The Challenges of the EU’s Approaches to Address China’s Unfair Trade Practices |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | - |
摘要/Abstract | 近年來歐盟加強對中國大陸的反補貼調查,如今歐盟準備針對各國對於赴他國投資者所提供的跨境補貼採取行動。在兩件玻璃纖維案中,歐盟執委會採取新方法以擴大對外國補貼的監督,遠超越其過往的實踐。新方法展現歐盟採取更為強硬的立場以對抗來自第三國的補貼進口,同時也清楚展現歐盟執委會有更大的企圖心來擴大其現有工具的範圍,俾能解決中國大陸實施補貼對歐洲經濟所產生之負面影響。本文試圖探討一項問題,亦即針對第三國進行反補貼調查時,在何等限度內可允許對於外國補貼進行監督。 In recent years, the European Union (EU) has intensified its anti-subsidy actions against China. Now, it is prepared to target transnational subsidies granted by countries to their investors in other countries. In the two glass-fiber cases, the European Commission takes new approaches to expand the oversight of foreign subsidies, going significantly beyond its established practice. The new approach signals the EU’s tougher stance in the actions against subsidized imports from third countries. It demonstrates the Commission’s wider ambitions to broaden the scope of its existing toolbox when it comes to tackling the nega-tive impact of Chinese subsidies in the European economy. This article seeks to answer the question of to what extent the oversight of foreign subsidies will be permissible in anti-subsidy investigations against third countries. |
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