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中英文篇名/Title | 泛伊斯蘭主義與穆斯林知識分子的團結論述(1880s–1930s) Pan-Islamism and Muslim Intellectuals’ Discourse on Unity (1880s–1930s) |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Article |
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頁碼/Pagination | - |
摘要/Abstract | 泛伊斯蘭主義在後冷戰時期常被認為與普世價值抵觸,也被視為係穆斯林世界與西方交流障礙的原因。泛伊斯蘭主義可定義為各地的穆斯林應團結一致,共同對抗外來勢力。然而,該名詞不僅在後冷戰時期廣為使用,從19世紀晚期以來,西方政治人物、學者、文學家及旅行者即常以泛伊斯蘭主義來理解穆斯林世界。不過,同時期的穆斯林知識分子卻提出不同的論述,用以反駁西方菁英的觀點。本文主要係以19世紀晚期西方菁英的泛伊斯蘭主義觀、穆斯林知識分子的團結論述以及第一次世界大戰時期及戰後的重要事件為例,對穆斯林世界與西方的關係進行檢視。 Pan-Islamism in the post-Cold War era is frequently seen to challenge uni-versal values and impede communication between the Muslim world and the West. Pan-Islamism can be defined as advocation for the global unification of Muslims in order to resist external influences. However, the term ‘Pan-Islamism’ has not only gained significant popularity in the post-Cold War era but has been utilized by Western politicians, scholars, writers, and travellers since the late 19th century to comprehend the Muslim world. Nevertheless, Muslim intellectuals of that era also formulated various arguments to contest the perspectives of Western elites. This article analyses the perspectives of Western elites toward Pan-Islamism during the late 19th century, the discourses of Muslim intellectuals on unity, and key events that occurred during and after World War I. Through these examples, the article explores the relationship between the Muslim world and the West. |
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