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中英文篇名/Title | 氣候變遷的認知與友善環境行為:紀登斯困境的經驗測試 Climate Change, Public Awareness and Pro-environmental Behaviors: An Empirical Test of the Giddens's Paradox |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 47-77 |
摘要/Abstract | 因應氣候變遷及其不利影響是關鍵的國際環境議題,Anthony Giddens 探討氣候變遷政治之時,認為民主國家因應氣候議題面臨著紀登斯困境(Giddens's Paradox)的挑戰,也就是民眾對於氣候變遷的認知,與友善環境行為有所落差,難以成為國家氣候決策的民意基礎。本文以紀登斯困境的概念為基礎,討論氣候變遷相關的風險認知、全球公共財及時間貼現等三個特性與民眾採取友善環境行為的關係,進而利用台灣社會變遷基本調查2010 年第六期第一次調查計劃問卷二環境組的實證資料進行統計迴歸分析。本文發現紀登斯困境中不同的因素會對於不同的環境行為產生不同的影響,氣候風險認知僅會對於民眾願意提高物價有所改變,相較之下公共財以及時間貼現則會影響民眾願意承受提高物價、增加稅收以及降低生活水準的意願。 How to respond to climate change and its adverse effects has become one of the most important international environmental issues since the 1980s. Anthony Giddens argues that most democratic countries face the challenges of the so-called Giddens's Paradox when it comes to climate policy decision-making. In other words, the public awareness of climate change does not reflect their behaviors, therefore it is not ideal to be used as a reference for making policies related to climate change. This study aims to explore the relationship between the elements of Giddens's Paradox, particularly climate risks, environmental public goods and temporal discounts, and Taiwanese respondents' environmental behaviors. The data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2010 round 6 Environment Module's dataset is used in this analysis. Findings show that these three elements of Gidden's Paradox have different influence on pro-environmental behaviors. The element of climate risks tend to only affect respondents in terms of their willingness to pay higher prices for commodities, while public goods and temporal discounts increase people's willingness to pay higher commodity prices and higher taxes and accept cuts in the standard of living to avoid environmental degradation. |
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