發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 基層農會的技術效率與總幹事特質之研究 A Study on the Technical Efficiency of Farmers' Associations and Their Director-generals' Personality Traits |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 43-86 |
摘要/Abstract | 臺灣的基層農會以信用、供銷、經濟及推廣為四大農會事業部門為主,加上農會事業部門具多產出特色及資本共享之情況,以至於不易進行農會事業部門及整體農會的效率評估;因此,本文針對農會事業部門主管及總幹事進行問卷調查,蒐集產出權重及資本使用比率等初級資料,並透過保證區域資料包絡法加總進行多產出變數之結合,再應用共同邊界模型評估農會事業部門及整體農會的技術效率;最後,再探討總幹事特質與整體農會技術效率之關聯。實證結果發現:都市型農會除了在信用部門有較佳的效率及生產技術表現外,其餘三大農會事業部門則以鄉村型農會及混合型農會表現較佳;就整體農會的效率結果中,混合型農會則有較佳的效率表現,其次依序為鄉村型農會及都市型農會;最後由迴歸結果可知,總幹事的人格特質會影響其效率的表現,而農會的獲獎次數多及考核成績高,與總幹事的服務年資短及工作年資越豐富,均明顯有助於提升整體農會的技術效率或生產技術。 This paper constructed a model to evaluate the hierarchy efficiency in the four main subordinate departments of the Farmers' Associations (FA's). Results were obtained through a questionnaire survey, which was completed by upper-level management and the directors-general of the FA's. Through these means, primary materials were gathered regarding the output weights in all areas of operating performance, the repartition of capital, and the sources of non-performing loans. Analysis on the hierarchy efficiency of the 172 FA's and their four subordinate departments was conducted for data from 2010 through 2011. The output indicator was obtained through the AR-DEA model and expanded into the Metafrontier model. Correlations between the operating efficiency of the FA's and the personality traits of their directors-general, numbers of awards, evaluations, years of service and other experience were analyzed. The empirical results show that the credit departments of the urban FA's generally demonstrate better efficiency and production performance, whereas the three other departments demonstrate better performance in rural FA's and mixed FA's. In respect to FA's on the whole, mixed FA's show superior efficiency, followed by the rural FA's and urban FA's. Regression results indicate that a director-general's personality traits exert influence on efficiency, whilst the number of awards, evaluations, and years of service also display a close relationship with operating efficiency and production performance of such associations. |
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