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中英文篇名/Title | 數位說故事發展英語為外語學習者英語口說能力之實證研究 An Empirical Study of Enhancing EFL Speaking Proficiency through Digital Storytelling |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Article |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 1-21 |
摘要/Abstract | 在此全球化時代,培養足夠的英語口語能力對於英語為外語的學習者來說至關重要。根據文獻,數位說故事(DST)似乎非常適合用來發展英語口語能力。然而,相關的實證研究卻頗為罕見。本研究以準實驗研究設計,調查DST是否有助於台灣大學生提升英語口語能力。總計103名修習通識英語課的大學生參與此研究。兩組參與者分別完成一個英語口說作業:實驗組為數位說故事(DST);對照組為展示演講(Show-and-Tell,S&T)。研究資料包括標準化英語口語測驗的分數、學生線上問卷調查的意見回饋,以及與口說測試評分者及該課程教師的訪談記錄。研究結果顯示,兩組學生的英語口說表現都有進步,而實驗DST組學生的英語口語能力成績顯著提高,特別是他們的發音、語調和表達能力。本論文以對未來研究和教學的建議作結。 The need for students to develop adequate English oral skills has been critical for English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in this global age. According to the literature, digital storytelling (DST) appears suitable for developing English oral abilities. However, related empirical research has been rare. This study adopts a quasi-experimental research method, investigating if DST helps college students in Taiwan improve their English oral abilities. In total, 103 university students who took a general education English course participated in this study. Two groups of participants respectively prepared an English oral project: the experimental group was digital storytelling (DST); the comparison group was Show-and-Tell (S&T). Data collected included scores of a standardized English oral test, student feedback in an online survey, and transcripts of interviews with the test rater and the course instructor. The results showed that both groups made progress, and the EFL learners in the experimental DST group significantly improved their English-speaking performances, especially their pronunciation, intonation, and expressive competence. The study concludes with implications and suggestions for future research and practices. |
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