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中英文篇名/Title | 【研究論文】1960–1970年代沖繩諸島台灣女工的多元身影:「東方主義」的再思考 【Research Papers】The Multiple Images of Taiwanese Female Emigrant Workers in Okinawa Islands from 1960 to 1970:Orientalism Reconsidered |
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頁碼/Pagination | 61- |
摘要/Abstract | 南華大學國際暨大陸事務學系亞太研究碩士班副教授
本文從「東方主義的再思考」這個視角出發,以「南大東島島民與大林女工的雙向凝視」切入,掌握1960–1970年代沖繩諸島台灣女工的多元身影。研究發現有三:(1)不同的島民對於女工有不同的凝視,無論是從勤奮的勞動者到省錢達人或消費者,還是從愛人到家人;反之亦然,不同的女工對於島民也有不同的回望,基本上是陌生而遙遠的,但對於蔗農家的評價普遍良好。(2)女工採藥草的技術、節省不浪費的態度、防曬護膚的好習慣,這些都成為當地人嘖嘖稱奇、學習仿傚的對象。(3)女工和蔗農仍無法脫離雇主雇傭的主從關係,但雙方未必一定存在著壓迫關係;女工選擇穩定認份的相處,沒有出現什麼日常反抗的舉動,力求彼此相安無事。 關鍵詞:台灣女工、東方主義、文化匯流、文化涵化、殖民計劃 Professor, Department of International Affairs and Business, Nanhua University The purpose of this paper is to grasp the varied positions of Taiwanese emigrant female workers in the Okinawa islands from 1960 to 1970 from the perspective of reconsidering Orientalism. The research method is an analysis of the views and interaction between island people and female workers. The research has three main conclusions: (1) Different island people had different views toward female workers. They viewed female Taiwanese workers as diligent laborers, money savers, consumers, lovers, and family members. Female workers had various views toward island people too. Generally speaking, the female workers viewed local people as strange and remote, with an exception of favorable evaluation toward sugarcane farmers. (2) Female Taiwanese workers became a kind of “role model” for the island people. The islanders learned from the female workers herb-picking skills, a money-saving attitude, and good skincare habits. (3) Basically, the relationship between the female workers and sugarcane field owners was that of employer-employee, but there was not necessarily oppression of the employees. Female workers behaved with a humble attitude to strive for a peaceful and stable relationship with the locals, and were never rebellious in daily life. Key words: Taiwanese emigrant female workers, Orientalism, transculturation, acculturation, colonial project 【This paper is written in Chinese. Read the Chinese Abstract.】 |
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