發刊日期/Published Date |
中英文篇名/Title | 在國家與公民之間:新自由主義下的柬埔寨公民社會 Between State and Citizens: Civil Society in Cambodia under Neoliberalism |
論文屬性/Type | 研究論文 Research Paper |
作者/Author | |
頁碼/Pagination | 9-44 |
摘要/Abstract | 本研究透過資料分析與田野調查,剖析柬埔寨在新自由主義之下公民社會的樣貌,並探索導致公民社會缺乏在地動能之因。研究結果顯示,當新自由主義遇到柬國的恩庇侍從體系,大量流入的資本更加鞏固菁英的政經地位,擴大菁英與經濟底層常民的權力距離,致使大多數民眾仍掙扎於基本生存,並無充分的選擇自由,而重度依賴國外捐助的NGO,受到政府威權與捐助者理念的限制,亦缺乏草根動能。因此,柬國公民社會蟄伏於NGO與個人、個人與個人之間議題導向的網絡關係中,在極度貧窮的生存邏輯下,公共利益導向的集體行動只有融合個人私利才可能觸動。 This study depicts civil society in Cambodia both in general and in specific rural villages and explore factors behind the lack of dynamics in civil society through literature review and field investigation. Because more than three fourths of the Cambodian population reside in rural areas, the depiction of Cambodian civil society is incomplete if the situation in rural regions is not included in the discussion. The research results show that Neoliberalism has been adopted by the patron-client system embedded in Cambodian tradition and therefore has solidified the position of the economic and political elite due to the massive capital flowing into Cambodia. As a result, the power gap has widened between the elite and the lowest economic level. Most people living on survival incomes typically have little freedom to choose a different way of life, unlike in a neoliberal civil society. In addition, NGOs which heavily depend on foreign donors have encountered difficulties in cultivating strength from the grassroots. This study also finds that, in rural areas, the primary foundation of Cambodian civil society rests upon the individual network involving families, friends, and neighbors as well as the issue-oriented network relationship between NGOs (the givers) and individuals (the receiver), and. In remote areas where most people still survive at a subsistence level, collective action to pursue public interests can only be triggered when private interest is simultaneously pursued. |
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